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words from particpants . . .



Kim Petrosky’s workshop was truly one of the best casting director workshops I have ever attended.  The lady does her homework.  She had obviously studied my picture and resume and everyone else’s in the workshop as I didn’t have to introduce myself she already to knew who I was.  It was also obvious that she had taken time and great thought in choosing our scenes.  I got a brilliant scene that suited me  (I have done other workshops were it was ridiculous the scenes I got)  It was a scene I could get my teeth into and show Kim what I could do.  And then the adjustments Kim asked for were magic and inspired.  Kim is the type of casting director you wish all casting directors were like.  She reads talent, understands talent and nutures talent.  You would be very foolish not to experience all that is Kim Petrosky first hand.  ~ Susannah Devereaux





Thanks to your workshop and advice I have booked a commercial and a guest star on Fatal Attraction:) I'm so grateful for you and your wise advice. Kim taught me how to fight and get my head in the game. The words that I will always remember her say is "You work too hard for this. The game has changed. Quit waiting around its time to get in the game".  ~ Gabrielle Fequiere





"I LOVED Kim Petrosky's workshop! Talk about being worth the investment! The workshop was filled with so much incredibly usable information. Kim was a joy, and her relaxed and honest teaching style put us at ease. I came away feeling more confident and much more prepared for auditions in the future!"  --Reen Vogel, 

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Kim's workshop not only allowed me to feel safe making bold choices, but helped me to see it as necessary in order to submit a compelling taped audition.  Her advice is especially empowering for those auditions with few lines and little definition, which have always intimidated me.  In her workshop, Kim will give you a metaphorical beat-down and then a literal rubdown. ~ Jabe H.





I have found Kim's workshops to be of tremendous help. Not only is she an industry insider with knowledge of how this business works, she also provides tangible help that is focused on her participants. Her individualized, one-on-one coaching is truly beneficial. ~ Becky Fly




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